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Theory of Growth & Community

Science Gallery London

What’s the background?

Science Gallery London is King’s College’s flagship public facility connecting art, science and health. After closing during the pandemic, the Gallery reopened in mid 2022 with a new director in post. Their aim is to be more than a gallery – to be a ‘partner and catalyst to drive innovation, interdisciplinary, inclusion and participation’, providing a hub to bring together communities, a live lab for experimentation and co-creation, and a gallery that explores current issues through cross-disciplinary collaboration.

What did we do?

Storythings worked with the Science Gallery London team to help them come up with a strategy to build constituencies, particularly the local youth communities they wanted to engage with, and make the change they wanted to with those constituencies. We helped them develop a brand story, and tested and iterated formats that could be an intrinsic part of their programme that developed and grew these constituencies over time.

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